Cancer Systems Biology Laboratory
Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Science

*denotes equal contribution
Bocci F, Jolly MK, Onuchic JN (2019). A biophysical model uncovers the size distribution of migrating cell clusters across cancer types. Cancer Resarch, 79 (21): 5527-5535
Li X*, Jolly MK*, George JT, Pienta KJ, Levine H (2019). Computational modeling of the crosstalk between differently polarized macrophages and tumor cell plasticity in a tumor microenvironment. Frontiers in Oncology, 9:10
Tripathi S, Jolly MK, Woodward WA, Levine H, Deem MW (2018). Analysis of hierarchical organization in gene expression networks reveal underlying principles of collective tumor cell dissemination and metastatic aggressiveness of inflammatory breast cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 8: 244
Bocci F*, Jolly MK*, Tripathi SC*, Aguilar M, Hanash SM, Levine H, Onuchic JN (2017). Numb inhibits a complete epithelial-mesenchymal transition by modulating Notch signaling. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14 (136): 20170512
Jolly MK, Boareto M, Debeb B, Aceto N, Farach-Carson MC, Woodward WA, Levine H (2017). Inflammatory Breast Cancer: a model for investigating cluster-based dissemination. NPJ Breast Cancer, 3: 21
Boareto M, Jolly MK, Goldman A, Pietila M, Mani SA, Sengupta S, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H, Onuchic JN (2016). Notch -Jagged signaling can give rise to clusters of cells exhibiting a hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 13 (118): 20151106
Huang B, Jolly MK, Lu M, Tsarfaty I, Ben-Jacob E, Onuchic JN (2015). Modeling the transitions between collective and solitary migration phenotypes in cancer metastasis. Scientific Reports, 5: 17379 (Recommended by F1000 faculty)