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Cancer Systems Biology Laboratory
Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Science

Latest lab news
January 2020 - First preprint from the lab for the year by Priyanka: "Comparative study of transcriptomics-based scoring metrics for the epithelial-hybrid-mesenchymal spectrum".
December 2019 - Mohit is selected as a member of Indian National Young Academy of Science (INYAS). Congratulations Mohit!
December 2019 - Sagar moves to Cambridge Stem Cell Institute as a postdoctoral fellow. All the best Sagar!
November 2019 - First preprint from the lab by Kishore, Burhan and Vishnu: "Identifying inhibitors of epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity using a network topology based approach".
November 2019 - Mohit takes over as the Secretary of the International EMT Association (TEMTIA) for next two years. Congratulations!
November 2019 - Mohit gives a talk at the 9th Biennial International EMT Association Meeting.
October 2019 - Kishore gives a talk at 16th Biennial International Conference on Molecular Systems Biology.
August 2019 - Sagar joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow. Welcome Sagar!
August 2019 - First review article from the lab by Kritika (on dynamics of cellular response to hypoxia), and first invited commentary by Kritika and Shuba (on the role of phenotypic heterogeneity in circulating tumor cells) published!
July 2019 - Atchuta joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome Atchuta!
July 2019 - Kishore receives the prestigious Prime Ministers Research Fellowship (PMRF). Congratulations Kishore!
July 2019 - Divyoj joins the group as an IISc UG student. Welcome Divjoy!
May 2019 - Sarthak joins the group as an IISc UG student. Welcome Sarthak!
May 2019 - Vishnu and Burhan join the group as summer interns through BEST and Next Gen Scientists Foundation programme. Welcome Vishnu and Burhan!
May 2019 - Priyanka joins the group as a project assistant. Welcome Priyanka!
April 2019 - Saurav joins the group as a postdoctoral fellow, jointly with Prof. A. Rangarajan. Welcome Saurav!
March 2019 - Mohit gives invited talks at the Annual Meetings of Indian Association for Cancer Research (IACR) and of Indian Biophysical Society (IBS), and at National Conference on the 'Emerging Trends in Disease Model Systems' at NCCS Pune.
March 2019 - Kritika joins the group as a project assistant. Welcome Kritika!
February 2019 - Mohit and Anu have received the SPARC award by MHRD for their collaborative proposal.
January 2019 - Subbalakshmi joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome Subbalakshmi!
November 2018 - Mohit delivers a talk at UGC-UKIERI meeting on 'Tumor microenvironment in cancer research' at University of Hyderabad.
October 2018 - Mohit delivers a talk at Indo-Australian EMT meeting at NCCS Pune.
October 2018 - Mohit has been awarded the prestigious Ramanujan Fellowship.
October 2018 - Kishore joins as the first PhD student in the lab. Welcome Kishore!
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