Cancer Systems Biology Laboratory
Centre for BioSystems Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Science

*denotes equal contribution
Sarkar S, Sinha SK, Levine H, Jolly MK, Dutta PS (2019). Anticipating critical transitions in epithelial-hybrid-mesenchymal cell fate determination. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), in press
Bocci F*, Gearhart-Serna L*, Boareto M, Riberio M, Ben-Jacob E, Devi GR, Levine H, Onuchic JN, Jolly MK (2019). Toward understanding cancer stem cell heterogeneity in the tumor microenvironment. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 116(1): 148-157
Jia D*, George JT*, Tripathi SC, Kundnani D, Lu M, Hanash SM, Onuchic JN, Jolly MK, Levine H (2019). Testing the gene expression classification of the EMT spectrum. Physical Biology, 16 (2): 025002
George JT*, Jolly MK*, Xu S, Somarelli JA, Levine H (2017). Survival outcome in cancer patients predicted by a partial EMT gene expression scoring metric. Cancer Research, 77 (22): 6415-6428
Jolly MK, Ware K, Gilja S, Somarelli JA, Levine H (2017). EMT and MET: necessary or permissive for metastasis? Molecular Oncology, 11 (7): 755-769
Somarelli JA, Shelter S, Jolly MK, Wang S, Bartholf-Dewitt S, Hish A, Gilja S, Eward W, Ware K, Levine H, Armstrong AJ, Garcia-Blanco MA (2016). Mesenchymal-epithelial transition in sarcomas is controlled by the combinatorial expression of GRHL2 and miR-200s. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 36 (19): 2503-2513 (Cover article)
Jolly MK, Tripathi SC, Jia D, Mooney SM, Celiktas M, Mani SA, Hanash S, Pienta KJ, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H (2016). Stability of the hybrid epithelial /mesenchymal phenotype. Oncotarget, 7 (19): 27067-27084
Jolly MK*, Jia D*, Boareto M, Mani SA, Pienta KJ, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H (2015). Coupling the modules of EMT and stemness: A tunable 'stemness window' model. Oncotarget, 6(28): 25161-25174
Jolly MK, Boareto M, Huang B, Jia D, Lu M, Onuchic JN, Ben-Jacob E, Levine H (2015). Implications of the hybrid epithelial/mesenchymal phenotype in metastasis. Frontiers in Oncology,5: 155
Jolly MK, Huang B, Lu M, Mani SA, Levine H, Ben-Jacob E (2014). Towards elucidating the connection between epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and stemness, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 11 (101): 20140962 (Highlighted in National Science Foundation (NSF) News)
Lu M*, Jolly MK*, Levine H, Onuchic JN, Ben-Jacob E (2013). MicroRNA-based regulation of epithelial-hybrid-mesenchymal cell fate determination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 110 (45): 18144-18149